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SARS-Cov-2 was detected in 5 minutes.


From: medical geography of Beijing Daily: Dandelion green tea

Rapid nucleic acid detection shortens the detection time, improves the detection efficiency, and fully serves the needs of epidemic prevention and control. The fastest detection equipment in COVID-19 was detected in 5 minutes, and the fastest test reagent was 90 minutes to infect COVID-19.

The equipment can produce results within 5 minutes

According to Agence France-Presse, Abbott Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. issued a statement on 27 th, it has launched a portable COVID-19 detection equipment, the fastest in 5 minutes to detect whether the infection of COVID-19. The statement also said that the company has obtained an emergency authorization from the U.S. drug administration and can provide the equipment to laboratories and medical institutions as soon as next week.

The equipment can produce results within 45 minutes

Recently, FDA has approved a diagnostic device developed by Cepheid that can be used in hospitals, checkpoints and emergency rooms to detect COVID-19 in 45 minutes. The device runs on genexpert hardware installed on 23000 desktop systems around the world (5000 in the United States).

An accurate test result that can be obtained near the patient can help alleviate the emergency situation of COVID-19 so that medical personnel can better arrange their resources.

With the FDA's urgent approval of the product, the company said it would start shipping this week and promote approval in Europe.

The approval of this test is a milestone. We need to rely on oral swabs to obtain direct results. The complementarity of detection and serological results is critical in reducing sample contamination.

The device is planned to be launched on March 30. It can test nasal swabs, nasal perfusion fluid and other samples. Unlike the existing need to produce results in a few days, the test can provide test results for the American people in a few hours. Moreover, because of multiple fragments of COVID-19 genome, it has good effect on both previous and variant viruses.

The reagent can give results within 90 minutes

In February 27th, Beijing Zhuo Cheng Hui Sheng bio Polytron Technologies Inc's New Coronavirus 2019-nCoV nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescent PCR method) obtained third kinds of medical device registration certificates through the State Food and Drug Administration's emergency examination and approval. The product is used for the qualitative determination of New Coronavirus in vitro, and the results can be obtained within 90 minutes after sampling.

The COVID-19 2019-nCoV nucleic acid reagents developed by Shanghai Ren Du Biotechnology Co., Ltd., using RNA specific target capture and transcription mediated isothermal amplification real-time detection technology, automatically completes nucleic acid extraction and amplification steps in a reaction tube, and results can be obtained in 90 minutes, and continuous parallel detection can be realized to improve detection efficiency. The relevant data show that the sensitivity and specificity of the detection results can reach the level of traditional PCR methods.

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